Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Possible Topics for Mediated messages project

1. Weight loss/fitness ads- The idea of one working to have the "perfect body" within a few days. Emphasizing to consumers how being skinny is the acceptable way to look. Why is being skinny so important and stressed in these ads?

2. Credit/loan ads- They tend to have more emphasis of casting minorities in these ads. Why is it that minorities are always depicted as being poor?

3. Domestic cleaning ads- These ads are almost always using women. Lysol ads, Swifer wet jet ads, laundry ads. These ads emphasize women as being domestic beings whos job is cleaning in the house

1 comment:

  1. You ask good questions in the first and second topics, but your assignment is not to answer them, per se. Try re-phrasing each as a thesis statement.
    The credit/loan ad is the most original of your topics. You might just assemble a bunch of them and reflect on their details.


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