Friday, February 26, 2010

Modernism Topics

A.M. Cassandre's poster for L'Intransigeant encompasses the idea of simple use of line, and color in its design making it extremely modern, despite its subject matter clearly resulting from modernity.

A.M. Cassandre pulled on ideas of modernity in his designs, and it shows in his L'Intransigeant poster, but it is also rich in the ideas of modernism with its simplification of the ever-expansive world unfolding at the time.

Drawing much of his inspiration from cubism, McKnight Kauffers poster for The London Underground was a direct example of modernism as it used only the most simple and powerful of images to get a message across.

1 comment:

  1. Chris, what if you combined your first and second thesis? That would make a richer, complex evaluation of the poster. Liz


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