Saturday, November 6, 2010

Project 2 ideas

1. Comparing cosmetic ads in Asia v.s. U.S. We normally see cosmetic ads associate with female models through out the centuries; however, it is getting popular to use male models/celebrities to sale products in Asia. One biggest reason is the cultural difference.

2. The Toyota car commercial recently shows on TV has brought new target audiences. We usually see car commercial features the safety and speed for family and male target audiences. However, this Toyota ad shows the coolness it could make a parents be and their children proud. There seems like a problem of influencing people of how embarrassed it is to drive an old car.

3. Domino's new campaign starting with the fact of people complaining about their pizza and now they are trying to fix the problem. Most pizza commercial we've not seen the honest criticizing part but they took it and use it as saying they will hear consumers' voices.


  1. Hi Sandra - Make sure to clearly state the cultural convention that the ad uses to be effective. If embarrassment about old cars is not new, why are we suddenly seeing it in new ads? Is it a new audience, or has the audience changed their relationship to cars?

  2. I think I've misunderstood the themes.
    Here's other broad themes I have:
    1. Deodorant or Perfume:It can make a man to be a womanizer.
    2. Scent products: Will it actually make your house appear clean?
    3. Cell Phone: have better rate preventing your teenagers using over limits?

    I wanted to talk about gender roles in ad. Can I start out here and talk about different types ad and how they fit in my idea of stereotypes in gender role? This way I can have more pictures to support my idea.


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