Monday, October 18, 2010

resources for Project 2

Notice I uploaded a zipped PDF of the Yavuz chapter. That should look a bit better! Also, note links in sidebar to advertising databases

You may want to view the post below (March 10, 2008) which shows images in the Yavuz article a bit more clearly


  1. I think there is something is wrong with the link I have tried to open it multiple times but it doesn't come up with anything.

  2. Are you saying you can't download the PDF? Or that you can't see the ads on the blog? I can download the "Mediating Messages" without a problem, so I'm guessing you might have popup windows blocked or something.

  3. no the link for the Yavux Chapter, everytime I try to use the link it comes up with a page that says "HTTP 404 Not Found"

  4. Liz,sorry to ask a none relevant question here. When do we need to turn in Worksheet for project 2?

  5. D'ann which link do you mean by Yavux Chapter? Can you right click it and see what url you are putting in? The links work for me, so I'm not sure how to help.

  6. I figured it out thank you.


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