Sunday, February 28, 2010

1. American Modernism and its contribution before and after the war(WWII), focusing on the work of Alexy Brodovitch and Herbert Matter with their great contributions to Bazaar magazine and other designs. Bazaar magazine's artists gave great contribution to what we call American Modernism.

2. Bauhaus Movement and the impact of Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, his contribution as making typography a main focus just as much as images, using words in all linear directions to communicate and overall brilliant promotion of the Bauhaus movement itself.

3. The Dutch De Stijl Movent and their focus on universal harmony and asymmetrical relationships. Focusing on Theo van Doesburg and his applications of De Stijl to architecture, sculpture and typography.


  1. Hey Elliot - All those sound interesting but are far too broad for this paper. Focus on a single piece: perhaps it is typical of work in one of these movements or by one of these designers. - Liz

  2. Hey Elliot - All those sound interesting but are far too broad for this paper. Focus on a single piece: perhaps it is typical of work in one of these movements or by one of these designers. - Liz

  3. so if i say i want to focus on joost schmidt's "Bauhaus Exhibition poster" and write about how it reflects the bauhuas movement, also explaining why it was a vessel for diverse movements like cubism, constructivism, and De Stijl. i would also delve into what i feel the poster means to me and what i felt it meant to the bauhaus movement, is this more specific?

  4. It is good to focus on that specific poster and discuss its relationship to modern movements. Think of it this way: if another graphic design student wanted to know what moderism means, and you could show him a copy of Schmidt's poster, what would you say about it? The student didn't ask what the poster means to you, specifically. He wants to know about modernism. Hope that helps.


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