Saturday, September 25, 2010

Thesis Statements

  1. Fortunato Depero’s page from Depero futurista is a good example of modernist work because of its angular shapes, sans-serif type, and unique layout.
  2. John Heartfield’s anti-Nazi propaganda poster, “Adolf, the Superman: Swallows gold and talks tin,” is modernist because of its simplification, san-serif type, and use of montage.
  3. Lucian Bernhard’s trademark for Manoli cigarettes is a good example of modernist graphic design because of its sans-serif type and extreme simplification.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lauren - any of these could form a basis for a paper, but don't forget about the driving force behind these more superficial stylistic elements: modernists were optimists. What were any of these people hoping to achieve through their work? I think in Heartfield's case it is pretty clear. He hoped to fend off Nazism and paid the price when he failed.


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