Tuesday, September 21, 2010

3 Thesis statement ideas

Modernism represented dissatisfaction with the current state of art and design and was an attempt to more distinctly and realistically represent the world while fighting things like commercialization.

Marcel Duchamp's painting Nude Descending a Staircase is highly indicative of not only the reduced aesthetic of modernism, but the broken down subject matter as well.

The typographic works of Giovanni Papini and Filippo Marinetti used a modernist aesthetic to convey just as much meaning with the layout of the print as with the words themselves.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Jon. Some modernists fought commercialization more than others. These three fall closer to fine art than graphic design, especially Duchamp's oil painting. You might find it interesting to research designers who said they were against certain forms of commercialization but ended up doing commercial work because they needed money. Tschichold, for instance, designed several typefaces that were the opposite of what he advocated, because the font companies hired him to do so.


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