Thursday, March 25, 2010


  1. Concept that eating and drinking certain things will make you physically fit. The social message of what is considered normal or the perfect body, discounting others. Infusing a message of social failure and lack of discipline, therefore creating a form of displacement in society because they dont fit into what the ads show. ( powerade, subway, energy drinks, diet food and drinks)
  2. The outdoors man- men featured in ads shown outdoors. Showing that men are all into sports, camping, and being outdoors participating in physical activities.
  3. Dogs like bacon cats like fancy food- More of a form of sexism in that dogs are normally compared and shown in comparison to men and cats to women. Ads show cats in domestic settings while dogs are outdoors or getting into trouble. This reinforces women and male roles.

1 comment:

  1. Your third idea seems especially interesting. You could find media commentators who have written about how rarely female TV and advertising characters are shown outdoors, but this takes it from a fresh angle. Also the "getting into trouble" male stereotype is intriguing.


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